Presentations, Webinars, and Decks

Funding Security on Campus

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Even When Shots Aren't Fired, There's a Cost to Gun Violence

This presentation and webinar explores the cost of guns on campus even when shots aren't fired. It also introduces the Cost Analysis Model that leverages proprietary data from the ZeroEyes Gun Violence Research Center and our own model.

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The Real Cost of Gun Violence

This presentation and webinar looks at the psychological, physical, financial, and community costs of gun violence.

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You Can't Stop What You Can't See

How do traditional security cameras and their usage actually work? What are the issues that they have and how can we overcome them?

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The Impact of Gun Violence in Education

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Gun Violence in California Schools

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Webinar Link - YCSWYCS CA Schools

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Nine Types of Active Shooters on Idaho School Campuses

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Nine Types of Active Shooters on Idaho School Campuses

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9 Types ID Webinar

Mitigating Risks of Gun Violence Against the Jewish Community

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